Anime Drawing of a Phases Dark Moon

"The moon is at her full, and riding high,
Floods the calm fields with light.
The airs that hover in the summer sky
Are all asleep to-night."
― William Cullen Bryant, The Tides.
"The moon does not fight. It attacks no one. It does not worry. It does not try to crush others. It keeps to its course, but by its very nature, it gently influences. What other body could pull an entire ocean from shore to shore? The moon is faithful to its nature and its power is never diminished."
― Ming Dao Deng

The power to manipulate aspects of the moon. Sub-power of Astronomical Object Manipulation. Opposite to Solar Manipulation.


  • 1 Also Called
  • 2 Capabilities
  • 3 Applications
  • 4 Techniques
  • 5 Variations
  • 6 Associations
  • 7 Limitations
  • 8 Known Users
    • 8.1 Mythology/Folklore
    • 8.2 Cartoons/Comics
    • 8.3 Video Game
    • 8.4 Anime/Manga
    • 8.5 Television/Movies
    • 8.6 Literature
  • 9 Known Objects
  • 10 Gallery

Also Called

  • Lunakinesis
  • Lunar Control/Arts
  • Selenian Control
  • Cynthian Control
  • Menekinesis
  • Moon Manipulation/Control/Arts
  • Selenokinesis
  • Cynthiakinesis
  • Tsuki Manipulation


User can create, shape and manipulate all aspects of a moon/moons, including its gravity and the effects it has on the planet, reflective surface, time-keeping, etc. and use its lunar energy.

Given that it is the brightest object in the sky after the Sun, Moons prominence in the sky and its regular cycle of phases have, since ancient times, made the Moon an important cultural influence on language, calendars, art and mythology. The Moon's gravitational influence produces the ocean tides and the minute lengthening of the day. The Moon's current orbital distance, about thirty times the diameter of Earth, causes it to appear almost the same size in the sky as the Sun, allowing it to cover the Sun nearly precisely in total solar eclipses.


  • All Moon-Based Abilities
  • Gravity Manipulation affects:
    • Earth Manipulation
    • Ocean Manipulation
    • Water Manipulation
  • Light Manipulation without Color Manipulation: Moon-light is always a variation of grey-white.
  • Lunar Dust Manipulation
    • Moon Creation
    • Moon Destruction
    • Moon Fall
    • Personal Lunar Energy
  • Lunar Energy Manipulation
    • Lunar Attacks
    • Lunar Constructs
    • Lunar Energy Absorption
    • Lunar Flight
    • Lunar Generation
    • Lunar Immunity
    • Lunar Negation
    • Lunar Solidification
  • Reflection Manipulation
  • Space Rock Manipulation


  • Lunakinetic Combat
  • Lunaportation
  • Lunar Aura
  • Lunar Communication
  • Lunar Empowerment
  • Lunar Healing
  • Lunar Physiology
  • Lunar Regeneration
  • Lunar Vision
  • Moon Blocking


  • Dark Moon Manipulation
  • Esoteric Moon Manipulation
  • Lunar Embodiment
  • Lunar Magic
  • Psychic Lunar Manipulation
  • Pure Moon Manipulation


  • Cosmic Manipulation
    • Astrokinetic Combat
    • Astronomical Object Manipulation
    • Combined with Solar Manipulation, user may be able to learn Eclipse Manipulation.
    • Cosmic Water Manipulation
    • Vacuum Adaptation
  • Concept Manipulation
  • Crystal Manipulation
    • Gemstone Manipulation - Moonstones.
    • Pearl Manipulation
  • Darkness Manipulation
    • Eternal Night Inducement
    • Umbrakinetic Immunity
  • Environment Manipulation
  • Ice Manipulation - the moon has deposits of lunar ice.
  • Iron Sand Manipulation - lunar dust contains iron particles
  • Lunar Mind
  • Lunar Weaponry
    • Lunar Artillery
  • Magic
    • Magic Dust Manipulation - through lunar dust.
  • Nigh-Omniscience towards everything related to the Moon.
    • Lunascience

The Moon and the lunar cycle are associated with the emotions, madness (lunacy), subconscious and dreams, fertility (especially female one), blood, illusions, transformation, intuition and repeating cycles.

  • Blood Manipulation
    • Fertility Inducement
  • Claircognizance
  • Cold Manipulation
    • Ice Manipulation
  • Cycle Manipulation
  • Emotion Manipulation/Mental Manipulation
    • Confusion Inducement
    • Madness Manipulation
    • Sleep Manipulation
    • Subconscious Manipulation
  • Illusion Manipulation
    • Blindness Inducement (Night blindness)
    • Illusion Awareness
  • Night Manipulation
    • Darkness Adaptation
  • Therianthropic Force Manipulation
    • Therianthropic Infection
  • Time Manipulation
  • Transmutation
    • Shapeshifting


  • Users of Lunar Immunity are immune.
  • Opposed by Solar Manipulation.
  • Available powers may depend/be tied to lunar cycle.
  • Can also be limited to being exposed to moonlight and can be countered by clouds, nighttime hours, and lunar eclipses.
  • Distance, mass, precision, etc. depend upon of the knowledge, skill, and strength of the user, and their power's natural limits.

Known Users

See Also: Lunacy.

Known Objects

  • Lunar Locket (Xiaolin Showdown)
  • Geosynchronometer (Yin Yang Yo!)
  • Egg Moon (Sonic X)


Phenomena Big Bang Inducement ⨀ Big Bounce Inducement ⨀ Big Crunch Inducement ⨀ Cosmic Creation ⨀ Cosmic Destruction ⨀ Cosmological Force Manipulation ⨀ Gravity Manipulation ⨀ Orbital Force Manipulation ⨀ Universal Manipulation
Stellar Bio-Stellar Manipulation ⨀ Compact Star Manipulation ⨀ Corona Manipulation ⨀ Dark Stellar Manipulation ⨀ Esoteric Star Manipulation ⨀ Pulsar Manipulation ⨀ Solar Manipulation ⨀ Star Creation ⨀ Star Destruction ⨀ Stellar Embodiment ⨀ Stellar Empowerment ⨀ Stellar Energy Manipulation ⨀ Stellar Immunity ⨀ Stellar Magic ⨀ Stellar Manipulation
Geophysics Manipulation ⨀ Lunar Dust Manipulation ⨀ Lunar Manipulation ⨀ Moon Blocking ⨀ Moon Creation ⨀ Moon Destruction ⨀ Planet Creation ⨀ Planet Creation ⨀ Planet Destruction ⨀ Planetary Axis Manipulation ⨀ Planetary Constructs ⨀ Planetary Energy Manipulation ⨀ Planetary Manipulation ⨀ Planetary Merging ⨀ Planetary Restoration

Anime Drawing of a Phases Dark Moon


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